Research Seminars in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
Research Seminars in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience is our colloquium for Diploma and PhD students, staff members as well as students in our research-orientated small group courses. Apart from discussing research done within the department in Jena, this colloquium regularly features some “highlights” – talks by eminent scientists from other universities or institutions to present the current progress of their research. To see an abstract of each presentation, click on the talk title (where available).
Time: Tuesday, 14.15 – 15.45 (if not indicated otherwise)
(p) Seminar Room 009, Am Steiger 3/1
(z) zoom meeting ID: 962-031-3096, no password required
Research Seminars at the Steiger will be marked with (p), online seminars with (z).
Contact: .
Presentations (Summer 2024)
03.05.2024 (p, JenTower 18, 12.15). Between Fact and Fiction: Digitalization, Disinformation, and the Dynamics of the Public Sphere in a Global Context. Edda Humprecht, FSU
30.04.2024 (p). A comparative approach to human cognition. Katja Liebal, Leipzig
23.04.2024 (p). Gender and speech – hormonal and social aspects. Melanie Weirich, Jena
16.04.2024 (p). Aesthetics and Power – Symbolism in Banks´ Headquarter Buildings. Yuli Liang, FSU
04.04.2024 (p). How to tell if someone is hiding something from you? – Current research on deception and concealed information detection. Kristina Suchotzki, Marburg
Past Presentations (Winter 2023/2024)
06.02.2024 (p). The EEG microstates approach in social, cognitive, and affective neuroscience (abstract). Bastian Schiller, Freiburg
23.01.2023 (p). Insights into the content, structure and flexibility of face representations. Ronja Müller, Hamburg
16.01.2023 (p). The social component of stress: Empathy as risk and resilience factor. Veronika Engert, Jena
12.12.2023 (p). Cultural differences and dog-human interaction. Sophie Schumann and Juliane Bräuer, FSU Jena / MPI GEA
28.11.2023 (p). Facial Emotion Recognition in Patients with Central or Peripheral Facial Palsy. Anna Maria Kuttenreich, FSU/UKJ
24.10.2023 (p). Hearing loss, depression and cognition in younger and older adult CI candidates. Maria Huber, Salzburg
17.10.2023 (p). Initial Scheduling Meeting / News / Team Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
Past Presentations (Summer 2023)
04.07.2023 (-). To be confirmed.
20.06.2023 (p). Mental representation of action. Lynn Huestegge, Würzburg
13.06.2023 (p). Eyewitness memory – presentation of various master theses. Emily Atkins, Emilia Grund, Alisa Lange, Ulrike Kruse, FSU Jena
06.06.2023 (p). Detection of misinformation and its temporal patterns: Analyses based on Twitter data. Julian Kauk, Helene Kreysa, FSU Jena
16.05.2023 (-). To be confirmed.
16.05.2023 (-). To be confirmed.
09.05.2023 (p). Vocal emotions on the brain: The role of acoustic parameters and musicality. Christine Nussbaum, FSU Jena
02.05.2023 (p). The role of emotions in conflict resolution. Olga Klimecki, FSU Jena
25.04.2023 (p). Teaching issues / internal. Lectures of the department, FSU
18.04.2023 (Multimedia Lecture Hall HS E028, Ernst–Abbe–Platz 8). The impact of language experience on face processing in bilingual and monolingual adults. Carly Anderson, UCL, London (abstract)
04.04.2023 (p). Initial Scheduling Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
Past Presentations (Winter 2022/2023)
07.02.2023 (p). Emotion perception in cochlear implant users. Celina von Eiff, FSU
31.01.2023 (p). Context effects in multilingual language processing. Helene Kreysa, Jena / Laura Sperl, Hagen
24.01.2023 (z). The JVLMT: Further Validation Studies. Romi Zäske, FSU
17.01.2023 (cancelled). Mental representation of action. Lynn Hustegge, Würzburg
10.01.2023 (p). Effects of unidirectional distinctiveness and stereotypical information on the own-“race” bias. Jürgen Kaufmann and My Huyen Tran, FSU
13.12.2022 (p). Shaping Ageing Attitudes through Childrens´ Books. Lea-Emilia Schenker, FSU
06.12.2022 (p). Introduction to EEG data analysis with Brainstorm targeting the Mirror Neuron System. Samaneh Dastgheib, FSU
29.11.2022 (p). The MotionComposer: A machine which converts human motion into music. Robert Wechsler, Weimar/Chemnitz
22.11.2022 (-). No presentation (Reserved for Preparations – Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften on Nov 25)
15.11.2022 (-). No presentation (Reserved for Preparations – Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften on Nov 25)
08.11.2022 (p). BodyCam-Projekt Thüringer Polizei (in German). Ulrike Kruse, FSU
01.11.2022 (p). Presentation of new published papers of the Department (5-minute presentations each). Christine Nussbaum, Celina I. von Eiff, Linda Ficco, Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
25.10.2022 (p). Report zur Summer School “Wissenschaftskommunikation“ (in German with English slides). Christine Nussbaum, FSU
18.10.2022 (p). Initial Scheduling Meeting / News / Team Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
Past Presentations (Summer 2022)
12.07.2022 (p, DSI). Love stinks: the association between body odors and romantic relationship commitment. Mem Mahmut, Sydney
28.06.2022, 14.15 (p, DSI). How the “hunger hormone” ghrelin influences social reward. Uta Sailer, Oslo
28.06.2022, 10.15 (z, DSI). Display rules, expressive suppression, and socioemotional wellbeing during COVID-19. Amy Dawel, Canberra (abstract)
21.06.2022 (z, DSI). Are musicians better able to read others’ emotions? Evidence from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Cesar Lima, Lisbon
17.06.2022, 12.15 (p). Can cochlear implants in old age reverse cognitive decline due to hearing loss?. Maria Huber, Salzburg
14.06.2022 (z, DSI).Behavioural variables and neural networks underlying helping behaviour in mice. Sanja Mikulovic, Magdeburg
31.05.2022 (z). A neuroimaging meta-analysis on empathy and theory of mind in autism. Nikol Tsenkova, Jena/Gießen
24.05.2022 (p). New diagnostic tools for assessing individual differences in person perception. Linda Ficco and Romi Zäske, FSU
17.05.2022 (p, DSI). Crosstalk of codes: phonological and orthographic contributions to speech production. Niels O. Schiller, Leiden, NL (abstract)
10.05.2022 (z, DSI). The tuning of human visual cortex neurons as reflected by fear conditioned neuromagnetic oscillatory responses. Stephan Moratti, Madrid (abstract)
26.04.2022, 17.00 (p, HS Psychiatrie). Inaugural Lecture: Klüger als wir denken: Einführung in die Vergleichende Psychologie. Juliane Bräuer, FSU
26.04.2022 (p). Data/Paper Blitz: New papers from our department. Researchers of the department, FSU
25.04.2022, 12.00 (p, DSI). Sozio-emotionale Fähigkeiten und zugrundeliegende Hirnentwicklung – das Jugendalter als Risikophase für psychische Störungen?. Nora Vetter, Jena/Dresden
12.04.2022 (p). Initial Scheduling Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
Past Presentations (Winter 2021/2022)
08.02.2022.(z) Facing urbanization: Current and future research on the influence of different environments on human well–being and appearance. Claudia Menzel, Landau
01.02.2022.(16.15, z) Understanding the mechanisms of multimodal communication in cochlear implant users (abstract). Carly Anderson, London/Vancouver
18.01.2022.(p) Not just any body: How associations between the visual and somatosensory body influence touch perception, motor planning and embodiment. Regine Zopf, Sydney/Jena
11.01.2022.(z) Are musicians better able to read others’ emotions? Evidence from crosssectional and longitudinal studies. Cesar Lima, Lisbon, Portugal (Postponed)
16.12.2021.(JenTower) Departmental Christmas Event, Jentower 18. SRS, IC, GK, CD (time and details to be confirmed, team members only)
14.12.2021.(p) Sustainable nutrition for the planet´s future: Effects of an App-based intervention on consumption of animal products. Frieda Busch/Benita Ebersbach, Jena
07.12.2021.(p) Transformation towards sustainability – Psychological barriers and catalysts of change (abstract). Gerhard Reese, Landau
16.11.2021.(z) New papers from the Department (Paper Blitz, Review Blitz). Organizer: Jürgen M. Kaufmann. Linda Ficco, Christine Nussbaum, Laura Sperl, Jürgen Kaufmann
02.11.2021.(p) Understanding and countering the spread of conspiracy theories in social networks: Evidence from epidemiological models of Twitter data + Promoting Science in Social Media. Julian Kauk
19.10.2021.(p) Initial Scheduling Meeting / News on the assessment of Face Matching: the GFMT2. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU / Linda Ficco
Past Presentations (Summer 2021)
13.04.2021. Initial Scheduling Meeting/Team meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
20.04.2021. Various Topics; Perspectives of Psychological Experimentation in the CoVid Crisis.
Team Meeting (internal; students writing MSc/BSc theses in the Dept are welcome)
22.04.2021 (Thu). Sensory integration in person perception and social interaction – tools for basic science and intervention. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
27.04.2021. Data Visualization (Workshop). Christine Nussbaum, FSU
06.05.2021 (Thu). Interacting with the environment: Visual attention in normal and pathological aging. Kathrin Finke, UKJ
18.05.2021. Facial Asymmetry and the Perception of Trustworthiness. Helene Kreysa/Christian Dobel
27.05.2021 (Thu). Social contagion. Veronika Engert, UKJ
03.06.2021 (Thu, 10.00). Nonverbal effecting and the give and take of social touch. Annett Schirmer, CUHK, Hong Kong
08.06.2021. First impressions from faces and voices. (Abstract) Mila Mileva, Plymouth, UK
15.06.2021. Familiarity processing through faces and names. Ana Maria Castro-Laguardia, Havana, Cuba /Jena
24.06.2021 (Thu). The forgotten senses – social olfactory and tactile sensing despite restricted temporal and spatial resolution. Ilona Croy, FSU
01.07.2021 (Thu). JNS papers material, precise title tbc. Gyula Kóvacs, FSU
06.07.2021. Real-life outgroup exposure, self-reported outgroup contact, and the other- ́race ́-effect. Marleen Stelter, U Hamburg/FU Hagen
15.07.2021 (Thu). The dynamics of emotional perception and expression. Christian Dobel, UKJ
Past Presentations (Winter 2020/2021)
09.02.2021. Topic tbc: Power analysis tools OR Empirical research presentation. Christine Nussbaum, FSU
02.02.2021. Writing retreat: Feedback and perspectives. Romi Zäske/Stefan R. Schweinberger/Team, FSU
26.01.2021. Categorical perception of familiarity and ethnicity / “race” : ERP data. Pauline Gürtler/Jürgen M. Kaufmann, FSU
19.01.2021. Challenges in motor skill change. Laura Sperl, FSU
12.01.2021. Serial dependence in aesthetic judgments – a mere response bias?. Pik Ki Ho, FSU
15.12.2020.(z) Familiarity is familiarity is familiarity: Event-related potentials reveal qualitatively similar and reliable responses to personally familiar and famous faces. Holger Wiese, Durham/UK
08.12.2020.(z) Predicting the outcome of sSocial interactions. Juliane Bräuer/Theresa Epperlein, FSU
01.12.2020.(z) The effect of adaptation to caricatures and anti-caricatures in auditory perception of emotion. Jonas Marquardt, FSU
24.11.2020.(z) Social Cognition: Mechanisms, plasticity and lessons to be learnt from autism. Isabel Dziobek, Berlin
17.11.2020.(p) Öffentliche Vorlesung Personenerkennung anhand der Stimme – Mechanismen und neuronale Korrelate. Romi Zäske (Rosensäle, kleiner Sitzungssaal, 13.45, nur auf Anmeldung bei Romi Zäske), FSU
03.11.2020.(z) Initial Scheduling Meeting/Team meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
Past Presentations (Summer 2020)
14.07.2020. Acoustic correlates of perceived personality in voices and more. Verena Skuk (tbc)
07.07.2020. Language and Communication during Societal Threats or Epidemic Crises / Human Interaction Research & Jena´s perspective as a future Center for Psychological Health. Helene Kreysa, FSU / Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
30.06.2020. tba
24.06.2020. Introduction to Systematic Reviews. Samaneh Dastgheib
23.06.2020. Introduction to Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) Metaanalysis. Linda Ficco
16.06.2020. No event
09.06.2020. Journal/Book Chapter Club.
02.06.2020. Open Science, Version Control Software. Christine Wulf, Resource Data Management, Team
26.05.2020. No event
19.05.2020. Face and Voice Perception: Commonalities and Differences. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
12.05.2020. Team meeting: Perspectives of Psychological Experimentation in the CoV Crisis. Bettina Kamchen, Stefan R. Schweinberger, All
05.05.2020. Initial Scheduling Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, FSU
Past Presentations (Winter 2019/2020)
07.01.2020. Development of gender and age perception in cochlear implant users. Verena Skuk, Jena
28.01.2020. Assessing sexual orientation on the basis of faces and voices. Helene Kreysa/Sven Kachel/Dorothee Scheffel, Jena/Landau
21.01.2020. Stability of facial and vocal first impressions. Romi Zäske, Jena
14.01.2020. FSU Mittelbau Open Science Get-Together. External
07.01.2020. No event
17.12.2019. Swiss Center for Affective Science Research Sabbattical Report. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
10.12.2019. Department’s Christmas Party
03.12.2019. On deceiving distinctiveness or why we should rethink the other-“race” effect. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena
26.11.2019. TAC PhD progression meeting, Team Meeting (internal).
19.11.2019. Workshop Research Data Management (includes Data Blitz: JESS database, by Romi Zäske). Roman Gerlach/Petra Steiner, Jena
12.11.2019. Parameter-specific facial and vocal morphing: Perspectives for basic science and applications. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
05.11.2019. Forensic Anthropology – special regard to image identification. Sebastian Schenkl, AG Bildidentifikation/Anthropologie Rechtsmedizinisches Institut, Jena
29.10.2020. No event
22.10.2020. Dissociated face, word, and landmark-selective intracerebral responses in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex. Simen Hagen, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
15.10.2020. Initial meeting and talk scheduling. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena, Germany.
Past Presentations (Summer 2019)
09.07.2019. Conflict or Cooperation – How can social emotions shape interpersonal and intergroup behavior? (tbc). Olga Klimecki, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland.
02.07.2019. Familiarity effects on the face-related steady-state visual responses: A cross-cultural study. Charlotta Eick, Jena.
25.06.2019. Eyetracking and information search in an intergroup prisoner‘s dilemma. Helene Kreysa & Steffi Hechler, Jena.
18.06.2019. Mental representation of multilingualism. Laura Sperl, Jena.
11.06.2019. The role of individual differences in face recognition skills for eyewitness reliability. Ulrike Kruse, Jena.
04.06.2019. A longitudinal study of acoustic-phonetic variability in infant- and adult-directed speech. Melanie Weirich, Jena.
21.05.2019. Face perception impairments in developmental prosopagnosia. John Towler, Swansea University, UK.
14.05.2019. Team meeting (internal meeting, Allgemeine Psychologie I).
note: 1:45 pm
30.04.2019. Imitation recognition in domestic dogs. Theresa Epperlein, Jena.
09.04.2019. Initial meeting and talk scheduling. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena, Germany.
Past Presentations (Winter 2018/2019)
05.02.2019. Showing behaviour in domestic dogs: Conversational history and communication strategies. Melanie Henschel, Jena.
29.01.2019. The Role of Timbre and Fundamental Frequency in Vocal Emotion Adaptation. Christine Wulf, Jena.
22.01.2019. Self-Perceptions of Aging and Everyday Well-Being. Jennifer Bellingtier, Jena.
15.01.2019. P200 and N250 – Two ERP components which selectively reflect distance-to-norm in face space and individual recognition of known faces. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena.
note: due to unforeseeable circumstances, the scheduled presentation „Imitation recognition in Domestic Dogs“ by Theresa Epperlein has been cancelled. This presentation will be given later in the year (at the beginning of the summer term).
18.12.2018. Department´s Christmas Party (tbc). No scientific event.
11.12.2018. Beyond ERPs: what can be done with multivariate analyses of the EEG signals? Geza Ambrus/Gyula Kovács, Jena.
04.12.2018. Improving the Impact of Psychological Research: Considering The Human Information Processing System for Visualising Complex Data Sets. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena.
27.11.2018. No event.
13.11.2018. Socio-emotional traits – Recent discoveries and advances in measurement. Sally Olderbak, Ulm.
06.11.2018. Processing verbal messages in communicative situations. Rasha Abdel Rahman, Berlin.
16.10.2018. Initial Scheduling Meeting/ Team meeting: Implications of DSGVO Regulations for Psychological Research. Stefan R. Schweinberger/ Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena, Germany.
Past Presentations (Summer 2018)
10.07.2018. Don’t look away – Effects of an instructor’s direct and averted gaze on cognitive
performance. Maria Glaser/Helene Kreysa, HU Berlin/FSU.
03.07.2018. Current Developments in Psychological Research. Part II: “The New Statistics”. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena.
26.06.2018. Language and social cognition in typologial perspective. Volker Gast, Dept of English and American Studies Jena.
19.06.2018. Current Developments in Conducting and Publishing Psychological Research and their Implications. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena.
12.06.2018. How Bodies and World Meet in Tangible and Embodied Interactions: Tactile, Kinaesthetic, and Somatic Experience. Eva Hornecker, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
05.06.2018. Perception of Emotional Expression in Voices by Cochlear-Implant Users. Celina von Eiff, Jena.
29.05.2018. Motor-cognitive dual tasking. Erika Künstler, UKJ Jena.
15.05.2018. The big nose bias, or when distinctiveness hinders face learning: Evoking an other-race effect with selectively manipulated same-race faces. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena.
08.05.2018. Team Meeting. 13.45 +
24.04.2018. The Pivotal Involvement of Brainstem and Midbrain Structures in Cognitive Control. Stefanie Köhler, Jena.
17.04.2018. Mechanisms of Voice Processing: Evidence from Autism Spectrum Disorder. Stefanie Schelinski, Leipzig
10.04.2018. Initial Scheduling Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena.
Past Presentations (Winter 2017/2018)
30.01.2018. Implicit memory for content and speaker of messages heard during slow-wave sleep. Romi Zäske, Jena
23.01.2018. Neurophysiological correlates of typicality in norm-based multidimensional face space: the role of familiarity and distance to norm. Stella Färber, Jena
16.01.2018. Cooperation in dogs and wolves. Juliane Bräuer, Jena
9.01.2018. Predictive models of cultural diffusion. Olivier Morin, MPI-SHH Jena
12.12.2017. Training-induced cortical plasticity of face-sensitive ERPs in older adults. Katharina Limbach, Jena
12.12.2017. Training individuals with poor face recognition skills using selective facial caricaturing in shape or texture. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena
5.12.2017. Reduction of sense of agency for speech interfaces. Philipp Stiens/Paul Winkler, Chemnitz/Jena
21.11.2017. The influence of common perceptual context on communication performance with novel codes. Thomas Müller, MPI-SHH Jena
14.11.2017. Processing of facial emotions in deaf and severely hearing-impaired individuals. Christian Dobel/Betty Slevin, Jena. plus: Data blitz on Zäske, R., Hasan, B.A.S., & Belin, P. (2017). It doesn’t matter what you say: FMRI correlates of voice learning and recognition independent of speech content. Cortex, 94, 100-112.
24.10.2017. Motion tracking, human expressive movement and music with persons with different abilities. Robert Wechsler, Weimar
17.10.2017. NOTE: 15.00 s.t.!! Initial Scheduling Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena. plus: Data blitz on Kloth, N., Rhodes, G., & Schweinberger, S.R. (2017). Watching the brain recalibrate: Neural correlates of renormalization during face adaptation. NeuroImage, 155, 1-9.
9.10.2017. JenTower 18, Seminar Room, 10.00. Pre-term talk: Attention, Distraction, and Working Memory: Adventures in the Electrophysiology of Visual Search. Paul M. Corballis, Auckland (New Zealand)
Past Presentations (Summer 2017)
4.7.2017. ERP correlates of identity recognition: an objective marker of facial familiarity? Holger Wiese, Durham University, UK.
27.6.2017. Implicit memory for speaker and speech content of sleep-played messages. Romi Zäske, JUH Otorhinolaryngology and FSU General Psychology, Jena
20.6.2017. Metacognition in dogs. Julia Belger, Jena (tbc)
13.6.2017. Individual and intergenerational differences in the evaluation of humanoid robots. Maike Pohl, Jena
30.5.2017. A new look at the facial feedback hypothesis: encoding of faces in patients suffering from facial palsy. Christian Dobel, JUH Otorhinolaryngology, Jena
23.5.2017. Face perception and the co-domestication hypothesis. Juliane Bräuer, MPI/SHH and FSU General Psychology, Jena
17.5.2017. 18.00 (!Lecture Theatre JUH Psychiatry / Hörsaal für Psychiatrie!) Action, perception & cognition – a movement and sport psychological perspective. Rouwen Canal-Bruland, Sports Science, Jena
9.4.2017. Categorical perception effects in face recognition. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena
2.5.2017. Finding the Unexpected in Data: Current Trends in Unsupervised Signal Analysis. Joachim Denzler, Computing Science and Michael Stifel Center Jena
25.4.2017. Data Blitz (tbc) and Project Discussion “Dissociating electrophysiological correlates of affective and cognitive empathy in individuals with autistic traits”. Stefanie Meier, Jena
18.4.2017. Categorical perception effects in face recognition. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena
11.4.2017. No event / Team Meeting 9.00
4.4.2017. Initial Scheduling Meeting / Data Blitz on
Wiese, H., Komes, J., Tüttenberg, S., Leidinger, J., & Schweinberger, SR. (2017). Age-related differences in face recognition: Neural correlates of repetition and semantic priming in young and older adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, in press (advance online). Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Winter 2016/2017)
31.1.2017. 14.00 s.t. (Note: Public Lecture in German: Hörsaal der Psychiatrie). Jenseits der Sprache – Soziale Kommunikation im Klang der Stimme. Sascha Frühholz, Zürich, Switzerland
24.1.2017. “Theory of mind” measures in adults: A critical discussion. Dana Schneider, Jena
17.1.2017. Selective and combined contributions of shape and reflectance information to the perception of distinctiveness, attractiveness, and sexual dimorphism of human faces. Christine Wulf, Jena
10.1.2017. Remembering „us“ versus „them“: Investigating underlying cognitive processes of the other-race effect. Marleen Stelter, Hamburg
06.12.2016. Semantic priming and the perception of pain. Thomas Weiss and Sandra Preißler, Jena
29.11.2016. Norm-based coding of personally familiar voices: Effects of anti-voice adaptation in sentence stimuli. Franziska Martin, Jena
22.11.2016. Body self-perception: Multisensory mechanisms and perceptual distortions in anorexia nervosa. Regine Zopf, Sydney, Australien
15.11.2016. Looking at the pupil. Lars Kuchinke, Berlin
08.11.2016. The social face: Impact of personal relevance on face perception. Florian Bublatzky, Mannheim
25.10.2016. Here’s looking at you?: Experience influences adults’ and children’s ability to learn new facial identities. Catherine J. Mondloch, Brooks U, Canada
18.10.2016. Initial Scheduling / Lab Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Summer 2016)
5.7.2016. Neural correlates of intentional and nonintentional voice learning. Denise Müller, Jena
14.6.2016. Face recognition and neurodevelopmental disorders. Sarah Weigelt, Bochum
07.6.2016. Introduction to EEG-Lab /Time-Frequency Analyses. Katharina Limbach, Jena
03.6.2016. Training face recognition in poor recognizers using caricaturing. Lidiia Romanova, Jena (note that this presentation will take place at 10.00 s.t., in the Seminar Room in the JenTower, 18th floor!)
31.5.2016. Neurocognitive markers of face perception and face recognition in both healthy and (prosop)agnosic individuals (abstract as .pdf). Ela I. Olivares, Madrid, Spain
24.5.2016. Flexible goal imitation: Vicarious feedback moderates observational S-R-binding. Carina Giesen, Jena
17.5.2016. Task effects on pupil responses to differentially attractive faces. Franziska Keller and Helene Kreysa, Jena
10.5.2016. Relations between face learning skills and the use of shape and texture for the recognition of personally familiar faces. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena
3.5.2016. Social Perception of Human Body Movement (abstract as .pdf). Bernhard Fink, Göttingen
26.4.2016. Natural Experiments in Psychology (abstract as .pdf). Olivier Morin, Jena
Past Presentations (Winter 2015/2016)
8.2.2016. Synchronization of Nonverbal Behaviors in Dyadic Interactions. Uwe Altmann, Jena
2.2.2016. Separating prediction error signals from repetition effects using ERPs (info as .pdf). Daniel Feuerriegel, South Australia
1.2.2016. Explicit and Implicit Judgments of Voice Attractiveness and Trustworthiness: A Pupillometry Study. Helene Kreysa, Jena
25.1.2016. Using Change Blindness to Investigate Ancestral Priorities in Attention Capture. Géza Ambrus, Jena
18.1.2016. Fast Responses in Emotional Stimulus Processing. Christian Dobel, Jena
11.1.2016. Individual Differences in Familiar Voice Recognition and Autistic Traits. Verena Skuk, Jena
14.12.2015. Psychopathology of the Social Brain: From Emotion Regulation to Empathy and Theory of Mind. Philipp Kanske, Leipzig
7.12.2015. The Role of Human Faces in Crowdfunding Videos for the Success of the Project: An Experimental Study. Tigran Aydinyan, Jena
16.11.2015. Implicit Perception of Voices in Patients with Auditory Hemineglect. Helge Schlüter, Hildesheim/Jena
9.11.2015. Pluralism in Social Cognition (abstract as .pdf). Anika Fiebich, Bochum/Duisburg
26.10.2015. Perception of Social Information in Voices by Cochlear Implant Users (abstract as .pdf). Louisa Martina Kirchen, Luxemburg/Jena
19.11.2015. Initial Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Summer 2015)
13.7.2015. Representation of learned faces: exemplar memory and mental averaging in good and poor face recognizers. Laura Broemer, Jena
6.7.2015. Priming effects on implicit and explicit ToM processing. Constanze Mühl, Jena
29.6.2015. In-group and out-group effects on visual perspective taking. Anne Grigutsch, Jena
22.6.2015. Person perception and its determinants in children with autism spectrum disorder (abstract as .pdf). Louise Ewing, London, UK
19.6.2015. Seeing individuals and seeing the crowd-ensemble encoding for sets of faces. Markus F. Neumann, Perth, Australia
8.6.2015. Studying face perception with adaptation paradigms. Nadine Kloth, Perth, Australia
11.5.2015. The role of alpha-oscillations in signal detection and selective attention. Katharina Limbach, Auckland, NZ/Jena
4.5.2015. Social Preference in Preschoolers: Effects of Morphological Self-similarity and Familiarity (abstract as .pdf). Nadja Richter, Jena
27.4.2015. Computational Neuroanatomy for the Analysis of Developmental and Aging Effects. Christian Gaser, Universitätsklinikum Jena
13.4.2015. Initial Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Winter 2014/2015)
9.2.215. Effects of caricatured shape or color on the perception of famous and unfamiliar faces. Marlena L. Itz, Jena
2.2.2015. Evaluation of a face recognition training: Interim report. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena
26.1.2015. Acoustic cues to age perception in male and female voices. Verena G. Skuk, Jena
19.1.2015. Recognition memory for faces of average attractiveness. Carolin S. Altmann, Jena
12.1.2015. Social Cognition in dogs and apes – a comparative approach (abstract as .pdf). Juliane Breuer, Leipzig/Jena
8.12.2014. Neuroimaging of voice learning and recognition. Romi Zäske, Jena
1.12.2014. Pupil responses to attractiveness judgements (abstract as .pdf). Helene Kreysa, Luise Kessler, Jena
24.11.2014. The neurocognitive basis of belief reasoning (abstract as .pdf). Tobias Schuwerk, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
17.11.2014. Network Models of Face Processing. Prof. Dr. Andreas Jansen, Marburg
13.11.2014. Making speech tangible, flexible tools for speech communication research based on interference-free representations (abstract as pdf). Hideki Kawahara, Wakayama, Japan
10.11.2014. Perceiving and producing human affective vocalizations (abstract as .pdf). Sascha Frühholz, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland
3.11.2014. Fractionating Theory of Mind (abstract as .pdf). Matthias Schurz,University of Salzburg, Austria
27.10.2014. Lab Meeting
20.10.2014. Initial Scheduling Meeting/Lab meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Summer 2013)
1.7.2013. Konfigurale Verarbeitung des eigenen und eines unbekannten Gesichts bei körperdysmorpher Störung – Eine EEG Studie zum Inversionseffekt. Franziska Krahmer, Jena
24.6.2013. Pupillary responses to perceived gaze direction and facial attractiveness. Helene Kreyas, Jena
17.6.2013. Attention and automaticity in visual perceptual grouping. Gregor Volberg, Jena/Regensburg
10.6.2013. Dynamic interplay of attractiveness and typicality in face space. Stella J. Faerber, Jena
27.5.2013. Visually situated language comprehension: ERP evidence from picture-sentence verification. Pia Knoeferle, Bielefeld
13.5.2013. How many faces do people know? Rob Jenkins, York
6.5.2013. Processing of Faces and Voices during Human Communication. Helen Blank, Leipzig
29.4.2013. Own-group biases in face memory: Using ERPs to disentangle relative contributions of perceptual expertise and socio-cognitive factors. Holger Wiese, Jena
22.4.2013. No event (Week of PPRU Workshop Jena) – DFG Research Unit Person Perception: VII. Workshop, April 26-27, 2013
8.4.2013. Initial Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Winter 2012/2013)
4.2.2013. Uncommonly typical: Attractivenes biases recognition memory for faces irrespective of distinctiveness – ERP evidence. Carolin S. Altmann, Jena
21.1.2013. Asymmetric relationships in the processing of vocal age and gender. Romi Zäske, Jena
7.1.2013. Effects of bimodal adaptation on the perception of voice gender. Nadine Schimpf, Jena
17.12.2012. Effects of speaker gaze on language comprehension. Helene Kreysa, Jena/Bielefeld
10.12.2012. Combined own-age and own-race biases in face memory in elderly participants. Jessica Komes, Jena
3.12.2012. The role of attention and perspective in the valuation of risky prospects. Nathaniel Ashby, Bonn/Essex
19.11.2012. Individual differences and neuronal correlates of using internal and external features during face learning. Jan Ploetner, Jena
12.11.2012. Pre-attentive and post-selective processing “pop-out” search tasks. Herrmann J. Müller, Munich
5.11.2012. The perceptual priming of action performance. Martin Edwards, Louvain
15.10.2012. Initial Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Summer 2012)
2.7.2012. Competition for processing resources between emotional stimuli and foreground task in the human brain. Matthias M. Müller, Leipzig
25.6.2012. Sex-specific differences in sound duration and perceived tempo. Adrian Simpson and Melanie Weirich, Institit für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft, Jena
11.6.2012. On why N250 is not related to face learning. Holger Wiese, Jena
4.6.2012. Retrieving contextual information about familiar names: Neural correlates of person-related source memory. Jessika Komes, Jena
21.5.2012. ERP studies of face processing in developmental prosopagnosia: Neuropsychological and neurodevelopmental perspectives. Martin Eimer, London/Birkbeck
7.5.2012. The influence of action on perception in stroke and the influence of faces on saccadic programming. Monika Harvey, Glasgow
23.4.2012. DFG Evaluation: Research Unit Person Perception. PPRU Principal Investigators
16.4.2012. Initial Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Winter 2011/2012)
30.1.2012. Intra-Subject Variability in Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Specifying the Phenotype and its Electrocortical Correlates. Christoph Klein, Bangor/Freiburg
23.1.2012. Saccade- and fixation-locked analysis of EEG data during active vision. Olaf Dimigen, Berlin
16.1.2012. The influence of caricatured shape and texture on the acquisition of new face representations. Marlena Itz, Jena
19.12.2011. Familiar voice identification. Verena G. Skuk, Jena
12.12.2011. Recovering shape and metric object properties through spatiotemporal interpolation: What effects seeing an object that is never present in the stimulus? Tandra Ghose, Kaiserslautern
5.12.2011. Priming and adaptation in familiar face perception. Christian Walther, Jena/Regensburg
28.11.2011. Identity averaging in famous face sets. Markus Neumann, Jena
21.11.2011. On the fast acquisition of novel information and its neural correlates. Christian Dobel, Münster
14.11.2011. The own-gender bias in face recognition memory. Nicole Wolff, Jena
7.11.2011. Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand – Wahrnehmungsprozesse bei Körperdysmorpher Störung. Viktoria Ritter, Frankfurt/Erfurt
17.10.2011. Initial Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Past Presentations (Summer 2011)
4.7.2011. Evolutionäre Ästhetik und Autonomie der Kunst. Christian Ilies, Bamberg
14.6.2011. Individual differences in episodic memory. Grit Herzmann, Boulder, Colorado, USA
6.6.2011. Determinants of children’s face processing. Gudrun Schwarzer, Giessen
30.5.2011. Aspects of Colour Perception. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
19.5.2011. III. Workshop on Person Perception. Various Presenters
16.5.2011. Vögel und Emotionen: Active Appearance Models zur Analyse komplexer Bewegungen. Joachim Denzler, Jena
9.5.2011. The Aims and Work of “Kleinkindforschung in Thüringen” at the University of Erfurt. David Buttelmann, Erfurt
2.5.2011. ´Die schönen Dinge zeigen an, dass der Mensch in die Welt passe´ – Ein Darwin´scher Blick auf die Kant´sche Idee. Eckardt Volandt, Gießen
11.4.2011. Neue Entwicklungen einer Psychologischen Ästhetik. Helmut Leder, Wien
Past Presentations (Winter 2010/2011)
31.1.2011. The own-age bias in more fine grained age groups. Nicole Wolff, Jena
17.1.2011. The effects of distinctiveness and attractiveness on face learning. Claudia Schulz, Jena
10.1.2011. Aspects of color perception. Stefan R. Schweinberger
6.12.2010. Face identification in natural scenes. Markus Bindemann, Kent, UK
22.11.2010. Zeitvariante Methoden der EEG(EP) Konnektivitäts- und Synchronisationsanalyse. Herbert Witte, Jena
8.11.2010. The role of average representations in face processing. Markus F. Neumann, Jena
1.11.2010. The role of attention in perceiving social information: Behavioral and electrophysiological studies. Tarik N. Mohamed, Jena
25.10.2010. Initial meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger
Past Presentations (Summer 2010)
12.7.2010. Finding people in natural scenes. Markus Bindemann, University of Essex, UK
28.6.2010. Enhancing spatial distinctiveness in faces: A potential first step towards treating prosopagnosia? Jürgen Kaufmann, Jena
21.6.2010. Inverse mapping the neuronal correlates of face categorizations. Marie L. Smith, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK
14.6.2010. Perceptual adaptation to vocal age. Romi Zäske, Jena
7.6.2010. The Functional and Neural Bases of Social Attention Perception. Andy J. Calder, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK
17.5.2010. The own-race bias and ERPs – effects of ethnicity on face processing and recognition. Johanna Stahl, Jena
10.5.2010. Age and ageing in face perception and memory: Initial findings. Holger Wiese, Jena
3.5.2010. Selective visual attention: Are deaf individuals more susceptible to face and object distractors in the periphery? Nadine Hauthal, Jena
26.4.2010. Neuronal correlates of auditory adaptation to speaker identity. Christian Walther, Jena
Past Presentations (Winter 2009/2010)
1.2.2010. Neuronal Correlates of Audiotactile Illusions — an fMRI Study. Steffi Schuldt, Magdeburg
25.1.2010. Processing Facial Age. Holger Wiese, Jena
30.11.2009. Body in Mind – Die Wahrnehmung des eigenen Körpers. Michael Schäfer, Magdeburg
23.11.2009. Voice Aftereffects of Adaptation to Speaker Identity. Romi Zäske, Jena
16.11.2009. Team Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
19.10.2009. The role of eyes and configuration in face perception and learning assessed by eye movement monitoring. Roxane J. Itier, Waterloo, CA
23.9.2009. Exploratory research tools for speech perception: TANDEM-STRAIGHT, morphing and new GUI. Hideki Kawahara, Wakayama, JP
Past Presentations (Winter 2005/2006)
16.2.2006. Brain activation to threat-related stimuli. Thomas Straube, Jena
9.2.2006. Kognitive and neuronale Aspekte der kongenitalen Prosopagnosie. Christian Dobel, Münster
2.2.2006. Conceptual object representations in the sensory and motor systems. Markus Kiefer, Ulm
19.1.2006. Language perception under task load. Werner Sommer, Berlin
12.1.2006. Problems with dividing the realm of psychological processes. Jan De Houwer, Gent
8.12.2005. Functional brain correlates of processing deficits in dyslexia. Carolin Ligges, Jena
1.12.2005. False recognition. Holger Wiese, Jena
24.11.2005. Cross-modal priming in person recognition. Jürgen M. Kaufmann, Jena
3.11.2005. Initial Meeting. Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena